Maximum Security, 4-eyes principle
It is our believe that all materials we have in storage for our customers, need to be as safe as possible. The Source Code deposits we receive represent the intellectual property and therefor the Software Supplier’s capital. The Business data we might store as part of a SaaS Escrow or CloudSecure agreement, belong to the Software User. Therefore we believe that transporting and storing the deposits should be done using a dedicated infrastructure. Access to this infrastructure should be 24/7 available, but limited to authorised users only. Our SecureStorage is designed and developed for this purpose only. Suppliers can only access SecureStorage via a Virtual Privat Network (VPN), after which they use SecureFTP for uploading their deposits. All deposits are encrypted by the Supplier, using a key that is provided to the Beneficiaries, but not to Softcrow. Access to the deposits is therefore based on the 4-eyes principle: Both the Supplier and the Beneficiary can only access the deposits with cooperation of Softcrow, but also Softcrow can only access the deposits with cooperation of the Supplier or the Beneficiary. In this way we create a means of transport and storage that guarantees:
- Secure access limited to authorised users only
- Transport via VPN and SFTP
- Encrypted deposit, which can only be accessed by a combination of Softcrow and the Supplier or the Beneficiary